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Monday 15 September 2014

Yes! I am a woman. I have breasts and a cleavage! You got a problem!!?? Deepika Padukone slams Daily

Bollywood lady Deepika Padukone slammed heavily on leading News daily about an article which written about her Cleavage and highlighting it in their official website without any sign of her permission.
Deepika padukone by taking Twitter as a platform expressed her grief by ditching heavily on that particular  Leading News daily:
“Supposedly India’s ‘LEADING’ newspaper and this is ‘NEWS’!!?? Yes! I am a woman. I have breasts and a cleavage! You got a problem!!?? Don’t talk about women’s empowerment when you don’t know how to respect women!”. 
Just after posting this tweets in her account Deepika received lot’s of support from all over India and from Top celebrities backing her on the issue.

Actress Deepika Padukone's very public dressing down of a 'news' report that urged the nation at large to have a good look at her cleavage has been answered by a defensive tweet from the daily that carried the offensive photograph of the Finding Fanny star.

After Deepika e-lashed out at a photo of herself captioned 'OMG: Deepika Padukone's cleavage show,' the leading daily has urged her to consider it a compliment.

Times of India saw her cleavage, Deepika Padukone shows them she has a spine too

It is a matter of some shame that The Times of India (TOI), the newspaper that professes to be the industry leader in India posts a video of a Bollywood actor's cleavage.
The actor in question, Deepika Padukone has taken to twitter to tell the newspaper what she thinks about having to wake up with the entire country staring at her bosom. No, she was not the one to take it lying down and so Deepika tweeted, "I am a woman, I have breasts AND a cleavage,you got a problem?."
The Indian Express reports that the actress had worn a low cut dress designed by Anaita Shroff Adajania for the trailer launch of ‘Chennai Express’. And this apparently is the second time that Times of India has reported on the dress. On Sunday morning, they simply reframed the old story.

Deepika Padukone 2

Photo courtesy- Deepika Padukone's Facebook page
Deepika's anger seems to have worked... the tweet is no longer there on Times of India Entertainment's Twitter timeline, and perhaps her outburst will make them think twice next time before posting anything about any actor or any person for that matter.

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